The Myth Behind "Good Skin" and "Bad Skin"

For much of my life, I have been told I have “good skin.” This compliment always seemed odd to me, for my skin had always been dry, and I’ve had fine lines under my eyes since I was in 6th grade. Yet I never had acne, my skin was rarely oily, and I was fortunate enough to not suffer from discoloration. So I wonder, is there really such a thing as “good skin” or “bad skin?” Or is it all Let’s dive right in.
As a teenager, I witnessed my acne-prone peers already having a multi-step skincare routine, even in middle school. There was such a stigma around acne: every time you turned on the television there was another commercial promising to get rid of every pimple and blemish on your face. Despite being a normal part of puberty for many teenagers, acne was so stigmatized that it felt like the #1 concern regarding skin. It almost seemed as though if you had acne, your skin was considered “bad,” and if you didn’t, your skin was considered “good.” Hence, where the many comments telling me I had “good skin” came from.
But that did not mean I had good skin. My skin was so dehydrated I had to use a medical-grade eye cream (intended for use for women over 50 years of age). However, since I was frequently told I had “good skin,” I did not have any sort of skincare routine at all. Besides the eye cream prescribed to me and the occasional face wash in the shower, my skin was getting zero TLC.
Similarly, as women age, many succumb to the idea that having wrinkles means you have “bad skin.” Wrinkles are natural and a part of aging, and not a sign that your skin is “bad.” At Intoxicated, we don’t believe in the idea of “bad skin.” Everyone has good skin, some people are just not treating their skin the way it should be treated in order to keep our skin youthful, glowy, and smooth.
Our skin goes through seasons. We have the literal seasons of the year, as well as seasons of our lives that we go through where our skin is constantly changing. Your skin may need different things during these different seasons, and that is perfectly normal! Many people find their skin gets drier in the winter and more oily in the summer, while some people’s skin gets worked up just over the seasons changing in general. In terms of the seasons of our lives, as mentioned before, many teenagers will get acne during puberty, while women will get more wrinkles and discoloration as they age. Your skin will always need different things and will always have different concerns, but that does not mean your skin is “bad” for having issues you want to fix. Lucky for you, at Intoxicated Cosmetics, we have serums for all skin types so you can get the treatment you need for whatever “season” you are in.
Our Bee Serum is designed for acne-prone and oily skin. It has antimicrobial properties that stop bacteria from growing, therefore stop bacteria from forming. Opposed to other treatments for acne-prone skin which tend to dry you out, our Bee Venom contains Royal Epigen, which contains hydrating and nourishing nutrients.
Our Snake Serum is perfect for those who really struggle with the seasons. Environmental factors can be a big detriment to some people’s skin, and when these environmental factors are constantly changing, it can result in flare ups. The Snake Serum has antioxidants that help protect your skin from UV rays, and prevent it from wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, and skin cancer.
Our Snail Serum is the most hydrating and the strongest anti-aging formula that we carry. It is perfect for those with drier skin, and those with more signs of aging. It relaxes the muscles in the face to limit the visibility of wrinkles, while keeping the skin hydrated and smooth.
To learn more about our serums in depth, visit our blog post How To Pick Your Poison.
All three of our serums have Anti-Aging properties, and are preventative in nature. Therefore, even if you’re young, don’t have any wrinkles, or don’t have any concerns with your skin, that does not mean you should not be prioritizing your skin now.
We all should be prioritizing our skin, whether we have a whole list of things we would like to address, or don’t see a single blemish on our face. There is a wide range of concerns people have about their skin, and having these concerns does not mean your skin is “bad.” We need to remind ourselves that acne, discoloration, and wrinkles are all a natural part of aging, and while we can do things to prevent and combat these issues, they shouldn’t make you feel bad about the skin you are in. Everyone’s skin is different, and your own skin may change drastically throughout the year and throughout the course of your life. But now, rather than looking at your skin with resentment, view your skin concerns through a productive lens. Find the serums that work best for you. Stay consistent with your routine. Soon enough, you’ll love the skin you’re in more than ever before.