A Plan for a Better Night's Sleep

It’s pretty obvious that sleep is essential for our physical and mental well-being. Despite this, a huge percentage of the population is deprived of good quality sleep. We all know that a poor night's sleep makes us feel awful, but there are also so many things happening behind the scenes when you aren’t reaching 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Poor sleep has immediate negative effects on brain function and on your hormones. When the recommended hours of sleep are constantly being missed, your skin begins to diminish. We already knew that a lack of sleep equates to dark circles. But wait… there’s more. Skin regeneration occurs while you’re asleep. Without proper sleep, your skin lacks time to rebuild itself. On top of this, the protein responsible for helping your skin keep its volume and elasticity (collagen) is produced during the skin regeneration process. Therefore, poor sleep equals unhappy skin.
People who sleep the recommended amount are proven to have skin that’s more moisturized and capable of protecting and healing itself from UV light. I don’t know about you guys, but I will do anything and everything to ensure that my skin is the healthiest it can possibly be (and I enjoy not feeling like shit throughout the day). So I’m here to share my favorite tips for getting a better night's sleep.
Let’s get into it.
Humans possess a natural, internal time clock. This internal clock regulates the sleep & wake up cycle and is known as the circadian rhythm. This rhythm is set on a loop, and keeping this loop consistent aids sleep quality. Therefore it is SO important to have a sleep schedule. Once you attain a constant rhythm, you’ll even begin to notice that you no longer require an alarm to wake up on time.
Tip #2: Increase light exposure during the day
Light (whether it be natural sunlight or bright light) helps keep your circadian rhythm in check. When your body is exposed to light during the day and dark at night, your mind becomes aware of when it’s time to stay awake and when it’s time to sleep.
Tip #3: Reduce blue light exposure during the night
Like I said before, light signals your brain to wake up. Therefore, staring at phone screens, computer screens, or TV screens before bed can disrupt your sleep cycle. In order to avoid this, avoid screens at night all together, or invest in some stylish blue light glasses.
Tip #4: No coffee after 3 PM.
Caffeine stays in your blood for an astounding 6-8 hours. Drinking caffeine after 3 PM will reduce your chances of getting a good night sleep. If you have strong cravings for coffee in the afternoon, make sure to reach for the decaffeinated pot.
Tip #5: Reduce long daytime naps
Don’t get me wrong. A good power nap works WONDERS. However, anything over 30 minutes confuses your internal clock and can negatively affect your sleep. If you feel unbearably tired during the day, make sure to set an alarm so that it doesn’t throw off your sleep schedule!
Tip #6: Keep the temperature comfortable.
Sleeping when it’s too warm is almost IMPOSSIBLE for me to do. When your body temperature is too high, sleep quality is negatively affected. Make sure to keep your bedroom temperature to around 70º Fahrenheit, or whatever you feel the most comfortable in.
Tip#7: RELAX
Anxiety or stress before bed makes it almost impossible to fall asleep on time. It’s super important to make sure you destress before bed. There are so many relaxation techniques out there, but be sure to check out our favorite relaxation techniques from our blog post “Can Stress Visibly Age Your Skin”!