How to Manifest Great Skin

Here at Intoxicated Cosmetics, we’re big on the Law of Attraction and manifestation! These two powerful tools help us attract goodness into our lives, but few people realize that you can manifest anything, no matter how large or small. That’s right - you can even manifest great skin. Here’s how: 

1. Mantras

Mantras and affirmations are incredibly powerful phrases that attract whatever you desire! Here are some that help you manifest great skin: 

  • My skin is clear and radiant 
  • My skin is healthy and balanced
  • My skin is beautiful and I love it 
  • I take good care of my skin and my skin is happy 
  • My skin feels supple and smooth 
  • Everyday I send love to my skin 
  • My beautiful skin is blemish and wrinkle free
  • People notice my glowing skin
  • My skin heals blemishes with ease 
  • My skin gets better everyday 

Choose a few of these affirmations that resonate with you and say them everyday for 

30 days! You’ll notice that your skin looks and feels better. 


2. Look at Images of People with Beautiful Skin

Surrounding yourself with images of what you hope to attract improves your attraction! So, by looking at photos of clear, even skin, you will attract that skin for yourself. Pinterest is a great resource to make a skin care vision board. Be sure to look at them often to reinforce the idea that you have the same beautiful skin! 


3. Enjoy Your Skin Care Routine 

Obviously, manifestation alone is a great tool, but to guarantee long lasting results of beautiful skin, it’s important to use products that align with your skin goals and make you feel good when you use them. You should feel excited when you do your skin care routine! Make it a calming, relaxing time yourself. Light some candles, put on your favorite playlist, and use your favorite products! These products should reinforce your skin care goals and it should be a luxurious experience when you use them. 

Not to shamelessly promote our products, but… have you seen them? The gorgeous packaging, beautiful colors, luxurious bottle, and calming scents are perfect to create the skin, and life, of your dreams. And, we have serums for all skin types! For instance, if you’re looking to fight acne and reduce oil, try our Bee Serum, which features bee venom, royal epigen, and betaine + trehalose. If you’re looking to target stubborn wrinkles and counteract redness, our Snake Serum is a perfect choice! It contains green + white tea, licorice, and Syn-ake. If you struggle with deep wrinkles and dry skin, our Snail Serum with snail mucin, niacinamide, and hyadasine will be perfect for you. 

What skin care goals are you manifesting? You got this!